
Standup Paddle Board Sales Maui North Newmarket Toronto Ontario SUP

Super Bowl Inspired SUP Standup Paddle Board Packages


Game on!! Don’t sit it out on the sidelines…get ready to ride with SUP, Standup Paddle Board, Windsurf, and Surf Gear from Maui North!

There are 52 very good reasons to call Maui North this weekend.

Call, Text, or E-mail…. FROM WHEREVER YOU ARE ON THE GLOBE…. mention Super Bowl 52 ( L11 ) in your opening phrase.

You will get $52 off any board we carry.

Make an end zone play for double that, and be the number one receiver for $104 off any board package.

And you don’t even need to throw awesome plays like Tom Brady or Nick Foles……to win.

This message brought to you by the Ministry of Fun and Games…

And our sister enterprise


E-mail, Call us, or Text:


stand up paddle board ontario

Newmarket Kids with Cancer Event & Vancouver Warehouse Sale

Kids with Cancer Event – Spray Lake

Sunday, July 23rd., at Noon…onwards, to late afternoon.

As the name implies….it is a fun event in support of kids and their families.

Last year, it was held in September, right at the same time as my big surf trade show in Orlando…I set an intense pace at the show, and bailed early, so that I could attend and deliver boards to the site….landed at 10:45am and made it to the site, boards in hand, at noon. Awesome!

The smiles and happiness expressed on the faces of those kids, and family members, says it all.

We are honoured to participate, and hopefully help in some uplifting moments, once again.

The quiet struggle that these children and families endure, goes straight to my heart, anyone’s heart I’m sure.

To be part of that moment, to just be kids…..radiant.

The One Day Only….Be There or be Square Warehouse SUP Sales Event, Vancouver, B.C.

A one day event, held in the parking lot of our warehouse location in Vancouver. It will actually comprise just a few short hours, as our crew loads up remaining boards headed to our location in Squamish.

A fantastic chance to score some amazingly good deals on the best boards out there!

If any clients dawdle, too bad, they missed it….we’re outta there!

From there the celebrations will continue however…as we augment the whole package with SUP, WindSup, and Windsurf launch and fanfare Squamish.

I might actually get out myself and learn to Windsurf! Stellar face plants included….

Date and time to be confirmed! Wednesday-ish….so far!

I will launch a West Coast campaign this weekend to match up, develop a reserve list of clients, and pre sell the packages.

This will also help augment a push to vitalize West Coast Ops. And start bringing into focus the Asian production and delivery of our new gear and components, as well as Tahoe product up from Reno, and possibly ArtinSurf from Cali, as well as Kazuma.

Fun, mixed with work…guaranteed!

Open House Sale and Board Demo Event – Toronto( Newmarket), Fenelon Falls, Vancouver

Sales Marathon This Weekend Flat out…Sat/Sun 8 a.m.-midnite. Great Boards and Gear! Get yours!

Schools Out! SUP’s UP!

Rays of Sunshine Guaranteed!

If you haven’t lined up your gear for summer fun…now’s the time!

We have mini boards for Groms, perfectly sized boards for adults who still like to play like kids!

Boards for beginners, boards for pros, boards for surfers, boards for families, boards for all your friends!

Hard Boards, super friendly Inflatables, WindSUPs!

We’ve got you covered.

This is our summer Sales Marathon Event…open everyday this week…. 8 a.m. – 12 midnite

Call and book your Board Demo Session ay any of our on water facilities.

Have your board delivered.

Get out and Ride!

Maui North 4282 Vivian Road 905-751-7205


F-one SUP Board Supstravaganza!

We all know the F-ones are absolutely stellar.

Now you have a chance to own and ride one.

We are cleaning our Vancouver warehouse. That’s a lot of gear to mess with.

Help lighten our load. The pricing is great.

Line up a board….then surf your heart out!